Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Acupuncture can help to create balance by encouraging the body to promote natural healing. The extremely thin, needles used in the practice stimulate specific points on the body and open up energy channels that restore balance and health.
For thousands of years, Chinese Herbal Medicine have been used to:
treat difficult diseases,
stabilize and balance the body, and
support natural defenses against the effects of stress and environmental toxins.
Chinese herbs are a natural way to increase the body’s efficiency between acupuncture treatments and they are unique to each individual.
Safe & effective, Chinese Herbal Medicine is a time-tested resource for optimal health and wellbeing.
Herbal Formulas are available in capsules, dissolvable powders, raw herbs, and prepared tea packets.