Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Your actions are an essential component of your treatment plan. During her sessions, Kandiss help clients evaluate their current lifestyle, diet, physical activity, self-reflection practices and other factors that may have a direct impact on how clients currently feel in their lives.
Prioritizing your health and committing to your own success by taking inspired actions are KEY for you to experience sustainable well-being.
Together we can work towards healing your recurring health concerns and help you achieve harmony and balance.
Even after your symptoms have resolved, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can assist you in maintaining your health, and possibly prevent future imbalances.
The more your incorporate acupuncture and Chinese Medicine into your life, the more you’ll learn to nurture your body mind and spirit.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine provides natural, safe ways for relieving and managing chronic pain issues, sports injuries and a wide range of internal medicine concerns.
A few are listed below:
Pain: back, neck, shoulder and knee pain. repetitive strain injuries, sciatica, arthritis, myofascial pain syndrome., pelvic floor pain.
Digestive: Acid Reflux, IBS, bloating, chronic loose stools or constipation.
Respiratory Concerns: Sinusitis, Allergies, Colds & Flus, Chronic Cough, Asthma
Reproductive: Male and Female fertility issues, menstrual, pregnancy related concerns.
In Chinese Medicine there is no separation between the body, mind & soul. The health of our mind affects how we feel in our bodies and the health of of bodies affects how we feel in our mind.
Often times, the physical body is used by our inner being to make us aware of aspects within ourselves that are ready to transformed.
The physical and mental effects of trauma, grief and loss, guilt, anger, fear, depression, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, worry, and all other emotions have been effectively treated & managed for hundreds of years with the tools offered within in the realm that Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture, herbal medicine and mindfulness practices are powerful tools to help quiet the mind, settle the emotions and balance the body's internal environment.
Regarding matters of the Spirit:
A series of sessions can provide invaluable support to you while you are in the process of:
- Making major life decisions,
- Going through transitions, and
- Coming into the most joyful and vibrant version of yourself.
Kandiss treats people not symptoms. There are many areas of our overall health not outlined above in which she can help you achieve great success.
If you have questions about whether or not Kandiss may be a good fit for your needs, email to set up an time to chat about the questions you have .