Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Esoteric Acupuncture is a style of practice designed by Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac.
It utilizes Traditional Chinese acupuncture theory and also incorporates the Hindu Chakra System, Sacred Geometry, and the Qabbalistic Tree of Life.
One of the main goals of Esoteric Acupuncture Acupuncture is to connect us to our Life's / Soul's Journey and strengthen our inner spiritual lives.
Chi Nei Tsang is a modality that combines Qi Gong (energy work) with hands-on abdominal massage.
CNT involves the gentle touching of the abdomen to clear stagnant and congested energies from the viscera (internal organs).
By removing habituated emotional patterns, an inner space is created that facilitate healing, transformation and self-realization.