Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine Wellness Solutions for Multidimensional Beings
Although the information below provides recommendations in terms of frequency & timing of treatments, I can be of support to you whatever the pace of sessions you decide as even a few treatments can be very helpful.
Ideally, starting acupuncture treatments at least three months prior to an IVF cycle would provide an optimal preparatory period. During this prep period the focus is on your overall health with special emphasis on the optimizing egg health.
In the preparatory period acupuncture treatments are recommended once or twice a week, depending on the amount of time you have before you start your ART cycle. E.g.
If you allow yourself about three months before starting IVF, acupuncture treatments once a week will be sufficient until IVF stimulation begins. If you are starting during the birth control phase, about 3-4 weeks prior to IVF stimulation, twice a week until the stimulation is optimal.
Once IVF stimulation begins, three to four acupuncture treatments between when you start you FSH (Gonal-F, Follistim, etc) injections and egg retrieval is recommended based upon your progress.
If your response to the stimulation is too fast or too slow, or if you are developing too many or too few follicles, you may benefit from more frequent acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture before the egg retrieval may help minimize the bloating, distention, and cramps that can come with egg retrieval. The retrieval is an invasive procedure and acupuncture is very helpful to speed recovery and prepare the uterus for implantation.
On or around the day of embryo transfer, research suggests that two treatments, one before and one after the embryo transfer significantly increase pregnancy rates. In the 2 weeks post transfer acupuncture may help encourage feelings of ease and promote implantation.
After a positive pregnancy test is attainted acupuncture once a week until the end of the first trimester is suggested. If there are any symptoms associated with pregnancy such as morning sickness, bleeding, or pain, you may need to be seen more frequently.
If your IVF cycle is using a donor egg or Surrogate, one acupuncture treatment per week until embryo transfer with the goal of preparing the uterus for implantation. Acupuncture before/after transfer and follow-up treatment is the same as that described above.
The treatment plan for IUI is similar to that of the IVF cycle, including the preparation period and treatment during stimulation (whether it’s natural, clomid or FSH)
One acupuncture treatment before or after the IUI procedure is recommended along with the follow-up treatment as described above.